Childrens LiturgyOur ultimate goal is heaven – for ourselves and all those we love. That is why we evangelize! St. Michael’s Faith Formation program is ordered towards helping parents pass on the Faith to their families and ensure their children have the tools necessary to freely choose salvation.

Guided by this goal:

  1. Mandeville Solidarity Mission Inaugural Team 2007Our parish Faith Formation program is offered at times that support families attending Mass together
  2. We provide parents with “look ahead” information about what topics are going to be covered each week as well as a synopsis of what was presented/discussed during class
  3. We provide parents with information about additional resources that are available for parent and student enrichment
  4. We prepare catechists to meet the challenging demands of effectively teaching the faith in relevant, engaging and purposeful ways

Our Faith Formation Staff partners with families in their commitment to raising their families as Catholic Christians. We provide opportunities for parishioners of all ages to grow in their understanding of the faith and to develop their relationship with Christ.

Nursery CLOW Pre-K to 8 High School
Home Study Adult 2023-24 Faith Formation Handbook – coming soon! VIRTUS Training